Racquets! AppSuite™

About this Sponsor

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RaquetsAppSuite™ is a Racquets Sports operating system, delivered as SaaS apps in your smartphone\watches – catering each to the specific needs of providers and players worldwide • Racquets! applications are easily accessed and managed to create and grow connected networks of digital Racquets Sports communities and help automate activities • Players can find & set matches with compatible and available players, paid hitters and instructors, find and book courts, easily join ladders, leagues, and tournaments • Using Racquets! SelfiREF™ watch\phone on-courts, keep scores for auto-upload match results • Providers can configure and run events in fractions of time and reduced labor – achieve more with the same effort – monetizing your Racquets! business brand & services to exponentially new income levels to include match and lesson player KPI analytics services, local sponsors digital banner ads and match streaming services to pay-per-view clients … and much more

Main Sponsor